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Dinosaurs for Ninth 🙂

Hey Ninth,

You asked me to open up a conversation about dinosaurs, so to get started, I'll post a few videos on the topic by people who are smarter than me but whose general views I will tend to share.

I'll post a super quick summary below:

Dinosaurs lived, but not millions of years ago. Dinosaurs were created with the other land animals on day 6 of creation week by the God told about in the Bible. They always lived with people, and there is ample evidence from history that this is true. The word dinosaur was invented in 1842, but just like the word dinosaur encompasses an assortment of creatures, so did the word that used to be in use: dragon. I think the most likely explanation for why we don't see dinosaurs today is because people killed them off.

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Hi Shark,

Thanks for getting this interesting topic started for me. That was kind of you.

So lets talk about what Dino's turned into. Fossils.

As we know, when an animal dies whether reptile or mammal the body decomposes, rots, and turns back into the dust of the earth. Que, Mufasa talking to Simba.

So how did they become fossils? We don't see fossils happening today..

Fossils happen when an organism is perfectly covered in mud, where all air is removed and extreme pressure is applied within a very short amount of time. The lack of air and added pressure kills off or removes the possibility of death and decay. Which then leads to the organism being 'fossilized'.

So lets think, what on earth could have caused so many creatures to all suddenly die out, be quickly covered in mud and put under extreme pressure within minutes if not seconds, and become fossilized?

Hey @ninth

I believe the answer for why we have fossils all over the world is the worldwide flood catastrophe described in the Bible as well as maintained in oral tradition passed down over history in many different cultures and places. It's the answer that makes perfect sense for why we find fossils all everywhere, including clams and other marine creatures on top of Mount Everest.

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You're right that we don't see a lot of fossils forming in abundance today, yet the entire earth is covered with animals that were buried rapidly in wet sediment.

Grand Canyon is other evidence of a worldwide flood of such grand proportions we can barely even imagine it.

We all look at the evidence we see through the worldview we were taught that we accepted as truth.

We all have the same evidence, yet come to varying conclusions to explain what we find.

If the "truth" is constantly changing, it's not a reliable truth.

Coelacanth was supposed to be the fish that was "walking out of the water" and they had a "400 million year old fossil" to prove that the fish's "limb-like" fins showed that the fish was walking out of the water on its way to becoming humans.

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Yet...coelacanth is still here with us today. The scientists claimed it was extinct and was becoming humans. And they were proved wrong.

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It was called "the living fossil".

People intent on proving that nothing exploded and became the ordered universe and that life formed accidentally and randomly in a chemical soup and gradually crawled out and became fish then frogs then dolphins then monkeys then humans are desperate to find "missing link" fossils to indicate that these miraculous changes took place. Their experts all turn up empty-handed.

Some resort to concocting evidence like "Piltdown Man" (human and ape skull forgery used in textbooks for over 40 years, proved an intentional fraud) and "Nebraska Man" (fictional ape man based on the evidence of one tooth that was later determined to be a pig's tooth), but other experts admit they have not one single "transitional" fossil, which leaves them baffled. They should be more abundant than the "end" stages since these changes take so many millions of years.

Following extracted from

Dr Patterson had written a book for the British Museum simply called Evolution.2 Creationist Luther Sunderland wrote to Dr Patterson inquiring why he had not shown one single photograph of a transitional fossil in his book. Patterson then wrote back with the following amazing confession which was reproduced, in its entirety, in Sunderland’s book Darwin’s Enigma:

‘I fully agree with your comments on the lack of direct illustration of evolutionary transitions in my book. If I knew of any, fossil or living, I would certainly have included them. You suggest that an artist should be used to visualise such transformations, but where would he get the information from? I could not, honestly, provide it, and if I were to leave it to artistic licence, would that not mislead the reader?’

He went on to say:

‘Yet Gould [Stephen J. Gould—the now deceased professor of paleontology from Harvard University] and the American Museum people are hard to contradict when they say there are no transitional fossils. … You say that I should at least “show a photo of the fossil from which each type of organism was derived.” I will lay it on the line—there is not one such fossil for which one could make a watertight argument.’3 [Emphasis added].

Many young minds were fed lies and frauds to make them accept the teaching that the universe is a random accident from nothingness and that humans are the product of millions of years of accidental, chance processes. Even young children naturally know that things that show masterful design and function like the human body and even a single living cell do are the products of intelligent design and not random chance.

Children were studied at Oxford and the results show that children believe in intelligent design without instruction from parents or teachers. They have to be brainwashed out of the logical belief that things that are clearly designed had a designer.