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Does Human Life Matter?

If evolution is true, human life does not matter. You are a random accident, a collection of meaningless atoms, just particles in motion obeying the random laws of chemistry and physics...the laws of the universe that have no lawgiver in a world that has no authority, no source, no meaning, no purpose, no morals, no nothing.

Murder and racism and hatred and every evil in the world has no meaning and will have no punishment and human suffering is irrelevant and meaningless. Love and life and happiness are equally meaningless.

If evolution is true. The notion that nothing exploded and became this ordered universe can logically provide no moral framework with which to order our lives, yet we as humans continually find ourselves judging and judged according to the behavior we exhibit. As if there were a "correct" way to behave in a random chemical accident universe of particles in random motion.

If the Bible is true, God made the universe, the planets, the stars, animals, plants, and humans. God owns the world, He makes the rules. If the Bible is true, human life matters because the Creator God loves the people He made and takes care of creation daily with sending rain and the ordering of the seasons and the movement of the earth and moon to keep times and days and seasons in consistent and predictable fashion (not random and haphazard). The stable sun continues to provide just the right amount of heat and light to sustain plants and feed the entire planet's animal and human life.

What we do matters, even to our very thoughts. God even cares about our thoughts. God loves each person and has forbidden us from hurting each other. So murder is wrong because God says so. There can't be another way murder is wrong other than having an ultimate authority who has declared it to be so.

In a world that came about from absolutely nothing by a random chance accidental explosion of nothing into something and eventually poof here we are, morality can have no real source or meaning.

Yet every single human alive knows there are standards of behavior that govern our lives. There is such a thing as evil. We all know this.

The concept of evil has no meaning in a world produced by random chance accident by no one.