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"Touch my ****, ladies, or get sued!"

A man who imagines he is a woman, is suing a number of female beauticians who do not want to touch his penis and testicles, for "discrimination".

This same man, "Jessica" Yaniv (previously named Jonathan), is trying to organize a "topless swim" for girls as young as 12 where parents are banned from attending.

Anyone who questions any of this is a "transphobe" and should be arrested, like a UK mom was for calling a biologically male person a man over Twitter.

The world has gone nuts. Since these radical ideologues have control over media and the laws of the land, everyone is forced to go along with the delusions of disturbed and confused individuals or be labelled a hateful bigot "phobe".

Will they also sue people for not wanting to date them, citing human rights violations and discrimination?

Insanity and evil reign.