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5 Year Anniversary Tournament July 21st!!

All Warcraft 2 players are invited to War2USA's 5 Year Anniversary this Friday July 21st, 2023 at 9:30 pm EDT.

Please be logged in by 9:30 so we can get brackets set up as quickly as possible and get the event started with minimal waiting time in lobby!

Click here for more information including map pool.


Congratulations to He-Man who won War2USA’s 5 Year Anniversary Tournament!

The evening was very enjoyable and everything went smoothly and thank you to Lost~One and Noise for helping with managing the tournament on the day of! Made it so much more relaxing for me to have more people posting results and helping usher people into their next matches! Thank you!

This tournament was so nice that it makes me want to plan a next one as soon as possible! 🙂

Click here to view Challonge page bracket and results.

BabyShark point of view of 5 Year Anniversary Tournament