Sharkfights (10 Map 1s Series)

Sharkfight Leaderboard

These are from results of completed 10 map series. Many more are currently underway; scroll down to check out the scores!

1. Dr-Orc +45 -5
2. disgruntled +11 -9
3. BabyShark +137 -134
4. ring62 +59 -52
5. He-Man +19 – 11
6. Megalodon +10 -0
7. CaptainKurtz +7 -3
8. TOFU +13 -8
9. LordVaras +20 -40
10. IbeCroM +5 -6
11. Noobniko +4 -6
12. Seuss +3 -7
13. Moriouce +2 -8
14. MiSery +3 -17
15. MFSC +2 -8
16. achilles +0 -10

How the Board Works

Entering the Sharkfight Leaderboard

If you win a Sharkfight, you will be entered directly above the player you beat, unless a player with fewer wins vs that same opponent is already there. For example, if you beat SuperPeon by 7-3 and JohnBoy beat SuperPeon by 6-4, you would jump above JohnBoy. If you are playing someone who is not already on the board, you both will be entered at the bottom of the board with winner on top. If you both beat SuperPeon by 6-4, the newer addition goes below the resident. If SuperPeon and JohnBoy have multiple series with varying scores, a player with one battle will be used. If no player with one Sharkfight completed exists, the most recent Sharkfights will be used in reverse chronological order.

Moving up the Sharkfight Leaderboard once you’re on it

After you enter the Sharkfight Leaderboard, you need to beat people above you to climb further up the leaderboard. You no longer hop above players by having a better score against a different player. That’s only for entering the leaderboard. Now you have to beat a player or someone above them to climb past them. As we go along, I will see whether this system works and whether it needs modification if issues arise. The + and – signs indicate total game wins and losses in completed Sharkfights.

Completed Sharkfight Series Outcomes

BabyShark vs Dr-Orc Dr-Orc 9, BabyShark 1
BabyShark vs LordVaras BabyShark 6, Varas 4
BabyShark vs MiSery BabyShark 9, MiSery 1
BabyShark vs ring62 BabyShark 7, ring62 3
BabyShark vs MiSery (2nd) BabyShark 8, MiSery 2
BabyShark vs LordVaras (2nd) BabyShark 6, Varas 4
BabyShark vs He-Man He-Man 6, BabyShark 4
BabyShark vs ring62 (series 2) BabyShark 7, ring62 3
BabyShark vs Dr-Orc Dr-Orc 10, BabyShark 0
LordVaras vs ring62 ring62 7, LordVaras 3
BabyShark vs Ragner Ragner 8, BabyShark 2
BabyShark vs IbeCroM BabyShark 6, IbeCroM 5
BabyShark vs Megalodon Megalodon 10, BabyShark 0
BabyShark vs Moriouce BabyShark 8, Moriouce 2
BabyShark vs Ragner Ragner 10 BabyShark 0
BabyShark vs TOFU TOFU 8 BabyShark 2
BabyShark vs ring62 (series 3) ring62 7 BabyShark 3
TOFU vs ring62 ring62 6 TOFU 5
He-Man vs ring62 He-Man 6 ring62 4
BabyShark vs LordVaras LordVaras 6 BabyShark 4
BabyShark vs ring62 (series 4) ring62 7 BabyShark 3
BabyShark vs disgruntled BabyShark 6 disgruntled 4
CaptainKurtz vs ring62 CaptainKurtz 7 ring62 3
BabyShark vs Dr-Orc Dr-Orc 9 BabyShark 1
LordVaras vs ring62 ring62 8 LordVaras 2
BabyShark vs LordVaras (series 4) BabyShark 9 LordVaras 1
BabyShark vs Dr-Orc Dr-Orc 10 BabyShark 0
BabyShark vs Dr-Orc Dr-Orc 7 BabyShark 3
BabyShark vs ring62 (series 5) ring62 6 BabyShark 4
BabyShark switched with CaptainKurtz via unmet challenge
ring62 switched with CaptainKurtz via unmet challenge
BabyShark vs ring62 (series 6) ring62 7 BabyShark 3
BabyShark vs He-Man (series 2) He-Man 7 BabyShark 3
achilles vs BabyShark (series 1) BabyShark 10 achilles 0
BabyShark vs Noobniko (series 1) BabyShark 6, Noobniko 4
BabyShark vs ring62 (series 7) BabyShark 6 ring62 4
BabyShark vs ring62 (series 8) BabyShark 7 ring62 3
BabyShark switched with Megalodon via unmet challenge
BabyShark vs MFSC (series 1) BabyShark 8, MFSC 2
BabyShark vs Seuss (series 1) BabyShark 7 Seuss 3
BabyShark vs LordVaras (series 5) BabyShark 6 LordVaras 5 Completed May 13, 2024
BabyShark vs ring62 (series 9) BabyShark 6 ring62 4 Completed May 20, 2024
Ragner removed from ladder June 13, 2024 following cheating confessions.

All Sharkfights (Current and Completed)

(Users arranged alphabetically)

Achilles vs BabyShark

Achilles vs CaptainKurtz

Achilles vs iz7z

Achilles vs Lawdog

Achilles vs MiSery

Ariph vs BabyShark

Ariph vs Moriouce

Ariph vs ring62

BabyShark vs CaptainKurtz

BabyShark vs Cyan

BabyShark vs DeathKnight~

BabyShark vs disgruntled

BabyShark vs Dr-Orc

BabyShark vs DuMaurier

BabyShark vs ehr

BabyShark vs ffasonly

BabyShark vs GLYDR

BabyShark vs He-Man

BabyShark vs Incos

BabyShark vs LetsRemake

BabyShark vs LordVaras

BabyShark vs Lost~One

BabyShark vs Mad-Luster77

BabyShark vs Mastery

BabyShark vs Megalodon

BabyShark vs Matty

BabyShark vs MFSC

BabyShark vs MiSery

BabyShark vs Nedro

BabyShark vs Noobniko

BabyShark vs Quilks

BabyShark vs Ragner

BabyShark vs randompeasant

BabyShark vs rareskills

BabyShark vs ring62

BabyShark vs RobinHood

BabyShark vs RockOn

BabyShark vs Seuss

BabyShark vs TOFU

CaptainKurtz vs jax

CaptainKurtz vs ring62

Cyan vs Megalodon

DeathKnight~ vs MiSery

DeathKnight~ vs TOFU

Disgruntled vs MiSery

disgruntled vs ring62

DuMaurier vs LordVaras

ffasonly vs ring62

GLYDR vs Mad-Luster77

GLYDR vs treehann

He-Man vs Megalodon

He-Man vs ring62

He-Man vs TOFU

IbeCroM vs Lost~One

IbeCroM vs Nedro

Lambchops vs MiSery

LordVaras vs ring62

Mastery vs ring62

Megalodon vs Moriouce

Megalodon vs ring62

MiSery vs ~Stylebender

Moriouce vs RocKOn

Moriouce vs ring62

Ragner vs ring62

rareskills vs ring62

ring62 vs RockOn

ring62 vs TOFU

What is a Sharkfight?

A Sharkfight is a 1 v 1 10 games series on 10 different maps, with each of the two players choosing 5 normal playstyle maps each, taking turns beginning with the challengee, or arranging turn-taking however the two players agree. The player picking the map also chooses the resources and tileset. Random order is the default unless both players agree to fixed order on a particular map such as Friends.pud. Most games are played with high resources and random order and map default tileset.

Normal playstyle means:

one peon start

EF speed*

• random start spot**

no modified unit or building properties (like 1 hp units, fast build, super strong units, no air possible, etc.).

Games are played at the convenience of the two players and results and videos can be posted here.
*If BOTH players consent to playing a different speed, other speeds will be accepted. The standard speed is EF and no player can demand any opponent play any speed other than EF. Other speeds are only by mutual agreement between both players. **If BOTH players consent to fixed order, that’s fine. No player can demand fixed order even if choosing map.

Anti-Dodging Rule

Once a player has reached a position on the Sharkfight Leaderboard they enjoy, what’s to prevent them from dodging all subsequent challenges to 1s?

The anti-dodging rule: A player can issue a public challenge on this I Challenge You to a Sharkfight thread to a player above them on the Sharkfight Leaderboard. The challenged player has 3 months from the date of the post in which to complete a Sharkfight versus that challenger, or the challenger will trade positions on the board with the challenged player. The challenger must then demonstrate that they are indeed available to play at such times that work for the challenged player. If the challenger has not demonstrated availability on server to actually follow through on carrying out the Sharkfight, this rule will be nullified for that challenge, so a challenger can’t just issue a challenge and disappear.

If you challenge someone above you, and they trade places with someone below you, you will still trade places with that player after 3 months if the Sharkfight is not completed.