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America, Land of the Free, July 4, 2020

We see an America in turmoil, with conflict raging within.

Freedom has been attacked and ravaged.

Hate seems to be winning.

But rewind to the peace before the storm, the country that has been the world's last stand for freedom, a freedom passed from generation to generation in a country worth celebrating.

How many countries in the world would I get shot or otherwise attacked by its inhabitants? I've travelled safely through USA time and time again on my regular visits there.

I've been shown courtesy and kindness and hospitality, even by strangers in America.

I've had strangers give me rides to church there.

There are more things wonderful than I can count about the best and friendliest country in the world.

Today it looks like that country is falling. It is a sad thing to see the violence in the streets and all the strife and division.

What will USA look like next year in July?

Maybe we are reaching the point where we can only celebrate the America that was. But that America where human life matters and freedom, including religious freedom, is sacred, is being dismantled before our eyes.

It's hard to celebrate a country that looks like it's dying, but like I celebrated a 90 year old loved one recently for all the wonderful things they were and meant to my life, I celebrate the America where I was safe, loved, and free, in spite of where it's going.

Long live the land of freedom.