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Catch-22 for Health Care Workers

An elderly person in a nursing home or hospital bed needs to be cared for or they will die.

Having a health care worker within 6 feet of the elderly person, even a healthy health care worker, supposedly puts the elderly person at risk of getting COVID.

Protecting them from COVID means letting them suffer and die without care at all.

In the event an elderly person tests positive for coronavirus (the tests are extremely unreliable anyway), now the health care worker is exposed/infected (in theory), and if they go to the next room to take care of another person, they are spreading the disease.

Whether or not young healthy people far from the hospital or nursing home go to each others' homes to hang out or to the park to play frisbee or soccer together is comparatively irrelevant.

Germs are being spread within the hospitals and nursing homes even if they spent an hour between patients changing clothes, showering, washing hands, and wearing masks and gloves, which isn't realistic.