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Events in the Works for 2019

January/February - **Topple the Returning Champion** Special Event!

Our amazing undefeated reigning Champion will be returning to take on every brave contender in the quest to win bragging rights and $75 USD! Not one person has defeated our Champion so far! He has 100% wins from the last competition on November 4th. I think he is enjoying getting richer playing Warcraft 2 and his new personalized War2USA T-shirt.

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Note: "Player" is generic player (as opposed to "the" Player) and is customized to user's actual W2 screenname, which for the time being, remains shrouded in secrecy.

The date and time are to be determined, but keep an eye out for this exciting upcoming challenge!

March 2019 - Rec League Level Champion competition in the works for people with a max ELO. Check back at the end of the year for more info and feel free to give input. I’m thinking we will determine who the Rec League Level Champion will be based on the SHARKFIGHTS scores. To be clear, this is the non-pro level, probably max ELO 1450-1500, to be decided once other players have weighed in.