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Faced with Death

One day you're talking, laughing, and gaming with someone.

One day, that person is gone forever.

The brain of someone like me finds this jarring. Unacceptable. That does not compute.

Over the last 11 months, I have often, inexplicably, pictured what his body might look like now. It's kind of macabre, I know, but my mind thinks about this regularly.

The horror of death shuts us all up. In our future it awaits for us all.

In the present, it renders us completely powerless.

Blocking it out, boxing it up and putting it on a shelf is almost a necessity, to be able to carry on living normally.

What are we without our memories? The people we lost, we can access in our memories. There is something beautiful in that.

Nice reflection. Thank you for that.

Did someone leave you recently?

Thank you.

One of the closer Warcraft 2 friends I made over the years died in May 2021. He was so young for it all to be over.

There's the vid I made in his memory.

I'm sorry.

As 2021 was just one year ago, it seems to be yesterday.

R.I.P. your friend Matt and those who aren't fortunate enough to live life to its fullest.