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Female Players Wanted!

Of course, we want male players too, but we have a paucity of femininity in all of Warcraft II.

It wasn't always so. I remember back nearly 20 years ago, there were plenty of girls playing W2.

It's no surprise they've all been driven away, with the toxicity the old server offered.

I know it's a problem that's widespread and affects a lot of games, having anonymous cowards spewing nasty vitriol at everyone around them because they have personal issues, especially targeting females with gender-specific hate.

None of that nonsense will be tolerated at War2USA. We strive to maintain a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for everyone and will remove troublemakers promptly to keep it the way it is.

So, if you're a female and want to try out Warcraft 2, come to War2USA. I will have your back.