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Feminism is a Hate Cult

There certainly are cultures where women are oppressed and mistreated, like all Islam-dominated countries where girls and women forcibly have their genitals mutilated, are forced to marry often as children, are raped and beaten, and if raped, can legally be stoned for adultery. In many of these places women do not have the right to drive a car, to leave home without permission, to wear what they want, to pursue education, to get medical care without permission from their male guardian, and so on.

United States of America is not a country and culture where women are oppressed. On the other hand, women's rights exceed those of men in at least 5 areas:

1. It is illegal in USA to mutilate girls genitals (yet it still happens in Islamic communities in secret), yet it is legal to circumcise male babies without their consent. (This is not to say that male circumcision isn't without health or other benefits, unlike female genital mutilation. It is simply to show that women have a legal protection in the law that males do not have.

2. Men can be drafted to military duty. Women cannot. Yet women have the right to vote for leadership who will decide which male lives to sacrifice.

3. Male victims of sexual assault have less protection under the law as "rape" is not recognized for men in many states, yet there were over 50, 000 male victims in 2016 in USA (

4. Men do not have the power to choose parenthood the way women legally can by having the ability to kill the conceived child if she wishes or to abandon a born child according to Safe Haven laws and decline any responsibility for it . A man has no say in whether his conceived child in the womb lives or dies. A man has no ability to decline responsibility for a born child if parenthood is not an appealing option for him. He legally is forced to pay child support and doesn't have the "financial abortion" option. (Women should not have the option to decline responsibility for their children either by ditching or killing them.)

5. Women are usually favored in custody battles when families break up or were never an official family to begin with.

If anyone can name a legal right men have in USA that women don't, I'd like to hear it.

Women in North America are not, as a whole, oppressed by our laws and culture. We are, rather, spoiled entitled lazy brats.

My cousin moved to Japan because he did not want to marry a spoiled, entitled, loud-mouthed lazy brat. He wanted to marry a Japanese woman because "Japanese women know how to serve their men."

Feminism which once pushed equal rights for women is today a force of hatred and bitterness that attacks not just men and children, but also any woman who would speak truth and reason.

Take a look at how rudely these feminists treat a fellow woman, whom they supposedly stand to protect, when she calmly and politely asks questions regarding their ideology:

They then start angrily shouting "No men on the march!"

Feminism hates women. Take it from Brazilian ex-Femen leader Sara Fernanda Giromini (aka Sara Winter) who tells of how she witnessed the feminist movement cover pedophiles and persecute women, how she was pushed to engage in sex with strangers, pushed to do drugs, was molested by a lesbian, and as a former prostitute, she found no help or consolation from the feminists who truly cared nothing for her.

Today she tries to actually help women and speaks out against feminism and is much happier.