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He "Wants Pain, Hell, and Satan"


dont make stupid and ill people famous darling 😉

What makes someone stupid and ill?

Do you think someone can genuinely "like pain"? Or do you think he's genuinely deluded himself to believing he does? Or is he lying? Or is he just "stupid"?

What do you think is going on with him? And why?

it is a phrase on the internet, but very truthful 🙂 yes there are people who does not feel pain at all, there are people who likes it, even makes them horny, but I think this one is just lost in satanic religion, maybe has some psychic problems, big ego, feels different... some things, for example  a few things about the pain are true, but I do not want to invest much time in this guy so dunno, just watched it for a while...


there are too much information that a casual human brain can handle these days and this  can end in an extreme way quite easily