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How often do you msturbate

Simple question, simple answer 🙂 just be truthfull


PS:are there missing old topics here?

There's another thread that explains the missing topics...I've discovered they aren't completely missing, though. They just moved to another dimension.

I don't know how to merge the two lol. I'm a newb, ok?

ahh so it is, maybe directly in the database, I do not like wordpress much, I have not the best experiences, it seems easy and user friendly, but if u need more experienced things to do, sometimes it is a real problem especially with the plugins...

everybody is in the beginning a noob, me personally when I was born, I did not even how to walk o.O 🙂

and you forgot to answer my question, didnt u? 😉

I didn't forget lol. I simply declined to answer it. Some things are private. I know it's counter-cultural, but sex is very special to me. It's not something I do or talk about with everyone. I don't mind you asking...I know the normal curiosity exists about what other people are doing and all that. A google search will give you most of the answers you're looking for if you want to look up averages and things like that.

Quote from ilovebabyshark on March 19, 2019, 8:26 am

everybody is in the beginning a noob, me personally when I was born, I did not even how to walk o.O ?
