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Interesting Human Psychology Talk by Alain de Botton

I'll quote what he says at the end.

"Marry. You will regret it. Don't marry. You will regret that too.

Laugh at the world. You'll regret it. Weep over the world. You'll regret that too.

Hang yourself. You'll regret it. Don't hang yourself. You'll regret that too."

Whether or not I agree with a thinking person, I appreciate and encourage the sharing of human thoughts and views like this one.

Also notable in this video is what he says about human addiction - how people go into a lot of addictive behaviors (not necessarily drug or alcohol abuse) to escape being alone with their own thoughts.

I haven't thought through everything he said long enough to ascertain to what level I agree with his views, but all the same, it's a talk of rarely heard "fresh" thoughts in today's day and age.