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Is China's COVID-19 Example One We Want to Follow?

A book was written praising China's leader President Xi Jinping for how he handled COVID-19 and saved China from an epidemic called A Battle against Epidemic: China Combating COVID-19 in 2020.

People who wanted to tell the truth about what was actually going on in China were penalized and silenced.

People were being forcibly dragged to quarantine by police who were checking temperatures:

People were being cremated alive, according to these witnesses:

Some Chinese citizens are fighting to tell their experiences which are being deleted by government censoring, which includes sites like Youtube and Twitter being banned in China.

Most people probably have heard of the Chinese doctor who raised the alarm about the coronavirus who was silenced by China's police force, who accused him of creating panic and spreading rumors.

I haven't seen anyone sick so all I have is the information available, which varies so widely that it's hard to know what to think.

I read both 1-2% death rate among those infected by coronavirus, and 40% death rate, and some in between. It's hard to know what to believe when information is being manufactured and suppressed.

I know the mainstream media has very limited credibility with me and most people.

I don't know how serious the disease actually is compared to a common flu. I read stories online by people who had it who said it was like a flu and the wouldn't have known they had "it" had they not tested positive. Yet people are dying. People die every day, though. Now over 100 people have died in USA of coronavirus. Over 90 people die every day in USA from car accidents. An aging population as people have been having fewer children also means more people are dying of old age.

But according to statistics, no one dies of old age, officially, in USA.

How many of these coronavirus deaths were people who were very old and on their way out anyway?

How many young, healthy people have been claimed by this virus?

Athlete Francisco Garcia's official cause of death is the coronavirus. He was 21 years old. But he already had cancer before the coronavirus. Yet coronavirus is listed as cause of death.

It is difficult to know without firsthand experience how dangerous this virus really is, but I will still maintain that I am a lot more worried about government control and loss of freedom and collapse of society from panic than I am about the actual disease.


I believe in "Live Free or Die". Death is better than forced bondage and oppression.

No one lives forever. We are all going to die regardless, whether it's sooner or later.

I am seeing things I've never seen before in my life, which has admittedly been relatively comfortable compared to what people who've seen war and famine and the like have experienced.

There is a concern that the tides could be changing and the relatively comfortable existence we've known up til now could be permanently changing to one where we need to worry about survival over comfort and luxury.

Bottom line, no, I don't want what China experienced to happen here.

For example, someone gets sick and has a fever, they shouldn't be forcibly dragged out of their house into the equivalent of a prison cell and then burned alive. They shouldn't even be able to forcibly check temperatures.

I would think, and hope, that Americans would fight back if the government overstepped. Which is one of the reasons why I support a well-armed populace. That was the thinking of the founding fathers of America, that the citizens should be able to defend themselves from a corrupt government.

Yes, everyone should take the measures they can to reduce the spread of a potentially serious sickness.

But I think people are more likely to be willing to report they are sick and get medical help if they don't have to be scared the government will burn them and their families alive in an effort to contain the disease.