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Is Your Job Essential?

Millions of workers are out of work because governments have deemed these jobs "non-essential" and a threat to the safety of everyone because the death rate has continued at the rate it's been year after year among people who are very old and very sick.

Is your job really not essential?

How is it essential for you to get food, but not to work to be able to afford to buy food?

Your job is essential to you, obviously.

But the government doesn't care about that. They don't really care about you, or about human life. This isn't about compassion or concern for citizens. This is about control.

Now you get to beg for government handouts and they can now have you jump through whatever hoops they want you to so you can qualify since you've lost your ability to be independent and are forced to be dependent on the government for everything.

The Constitution of USA and Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Canada WERE CREATED FOR A TIME LIKE THIS.

You matter and your job matters and a government that will take away the jobs of millions of people by force, then put the people on house arrest to be patrolled, fined and arrested by police has gone CORRUPT.