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Mom Wants Castration for 7 Year Old James Younger

Children are the unlucky pawns in the wars waged by radical ideologues against reality, biology, and humanity.

An activist mother (not even his biological mother) has been pushing to put her young son on puberty blocking drugs in an effort to turn him into a girl.

She accuses her ex-husband of child abuse for refusing to go along with their son "becoming a girl" by putting him in dresses and cutting off his penis.

If adults want to butcher themselves and their own bodies, that's one thing, but to do that to a young child who doesn't have the ability to grasp the lifelong consequences of these actions is absolutely child abuse and beyond disturbing.

James Younger's dad shares his side in a video here.

wild ....shouldnt be able to mess with kids without thier consent when there about 15 years old..including circumcision..unless medical reasons