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Not a Movie Review: Not Gonna See Captain Marvel!

Some major censoring of public outcry went down after Captain Marvel's lead female actress Brie Larson alienated a huge segment of the potential audience for the film that opened yesterday by apparently saying, "I don't care what a white man has to say."

Rotten Tomatoes, that I've admittedly used fairly regularly in the past before going to see a movie, deleted the comments for Captain Marvel from disgruntled white men who are calling out racism and sexism for what it is because...they didn't fit with their ideology and what they were trying to promote. Rotten Tomatoes removed the entire feature from their website that allowed users to show their interest level in a movie before it opened "Want to see" vs "Not interested". The results for this movie reportedly went as low as 24% or 27%, so Rotten Tomatoes (pressured by Disney?) removed the entire feature from the website, deleted the interest rating along with the comments of fans expressing disinterest or disagreement. I've lost respect for Rotten Tomatoes and will be finding another site to read movie reviews on. If anyone has a recommendation, let's hear it.

YouTube also changed the organic search results for Brie Larson to hide the criticism and show more "approving" content.

Censoring is a complicated topic, since even people who claim to not censor still censor some things, such as malicious or illegal activity and spam. Censoring people for having a different opinion or for saying valid, true criticisms is shutting down free speech, the free exchange of information, and is something every freedom-loving person should stand against.

It's interesting that Hollywood is striving to promote the picture of female strength, independence, and power in the form of a woman superhero who needeth not man, yet when she is criticized, they need to quickly hide and filter out the negative comments towards poor Brie (presumably at the command of someone with lots of $$$) so as not to negatively affect the performance of the movie.

A response to the frequent censoring, deleting, banning of especially conservative content, wrongly calling it things like "hate speech" (such as ads with images of babies, censored by Facebook is a new platform for commenting online, on any website, even Youtube videos that have had comments disabled, or on news articles that censor content that does not agree with or support their ideology.

It's called Dissenter, and it's associated with Gab. I learned about Dissenter today, though I'd heard of Gab a few months ago but never pursued it.

I have mixed feelings on Dissenter so far and am not sure what to think, since it promotes itself as a non-censorship zone (but still has community rules agreement like most places and allows pornographic content to be posted).

Every place has its array of commenters that include people who put some thought and reasoning into their posts as well as users who spew angry nasty and rude comments that include hating on certain groups of people, and Gab/Dissenter are no exception.

Of course a lot of people are very upset about the people they tried to silence by censoring/banning/ganging up against with vacuous vitriol having their own platform, and are doing everything in their power to defame the alternative place for people to hang out (wow sounds like a familiar story!!), labelling it "haven for the alt right, home of the Nazis," here:

Assigning a nonsense label to people you don't agree with isn't a valid argument for your position and is rather good evidence that you haven't got much to say.

I took a look around today for the first time and just like everywhere online, there are people saying racist stuff, stuff hating women, stuff hating Jews, and the like, just like you see on many other platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Reddit.

The notion that an entire platform is made up of one solid entity that is each responsible for the words of every other poster is only applied to Dissenter/Gab and not to any other social media. No one suggests that any criminal or racist with a Facebook account makes every Facebook user a racist criminal or whatever thing people look down on that day.

It's an interesting concept that got my attention, an entire new way to browse the internet and have the ability to comment (in theory, without fear of censorship, with the exception of threats of violence or illegal content) on any website in the world.

I don't want to see porn or nudity and already saw at least 3 images I didn't want to see while browsing the Dissenter/Gab platform. I'm not entirely sure yet how they intersect and interact. It could be that the platform isn't for me, but I'm curious to see how things develop for it even if I end up not being an active participant.

I will not be seeing Captain Marvel or any other feminist drivel pushing propaganda that hates on people like my grandfather, father, brothers, and sons on the basis of their sex and skin color. *NOTE - I DO NOT ENDORSE THE VIEWS OF ALL INDIVIDUAL COMMENTERS ON GAB OR ANY OTHER PLATFORM*. Just became aware of the existence of Gab/Dissenter recently and browsed it for the first time today.

Movie reviewer admits to fake reviews to appease big boys:

SyFy Wire’s Dany Roth Admits to Creating Positive Reviews in Order to Maintain Access While Discussing Captain Marvel’s Rotten Tomatoes Controversy

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Why is racism and sexism towards white men from supposed opponents of racism and sexism okay?