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Teacher Fired for "Wrong Pronouns"

A Christian high school teacher at West Point High School in Virginia was fired by the school board for refusing to call a biologically female student by male pronouns, staying true to his conscience and intellect.

A student "feels" offended.

A man loses his means of supporting his wife and children.

It is not enough that society supports delusions that create immense harm to individual people, including a 32 - 50% suicide attempt rate (according to across all countries among transgender individuals, which is estimated to be approximately 0.4% in the general population (

They also need to force everyone else to approve and embrace the harmful ideas or be wrongly labelled hateful bigots or phobes, fined, banned, fired, or arrested.

These are the people promoting "tolerance" and "diversity".

By what they mean is, "you tolerate our deviant behavior or we will destroy your life" and "diverse views are welcome as long as they aren't the Christian view."