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There was a king who had a very cheerful, optimistic servant who always would say, "This is good!" whether good or bad things happened.

One day they were out hunting. The king accidentally blew off his thumb while handling a firearm, and as he was bleeding and groaning in pain, his servant cried, "This is good!"

The king was so angry that he threw the servant in prison.

Some time later, the king was out hunting again alone. He was in pursuit of a large stag that led him into dangerous cannibal territory. He charged ahead, convinced he could bag his target and get away before being discovered.

He was wrong. The cannibal tribe ambushed him and captured him.

They began to prepare him for consumption, lighting a fire. Then they noticed he was missing a thumb. Aghast, they rejected him since they only consume "whole" bodies.

On his way home, the king remembered the servant he'd thrown in jail.

He went down to the prison house and said to his imprisoned servant, "I'm so sorry! You were right! My missing thumb saved my life! I was wrong to throw you in jail! That was awful of me!"

The servant replied, "If you hadn't put me in prison, I would have been out hunting with you."

The author of This is Good is unknown, but this story illustrates how even bad things can work for a good purpose.

The origin of War2USA is like that.

The story has an ugly and gross beginning.

The injustice, harassment, racism, and the gross and vulgar, perpetually hateful environment of the old Russian W2 server served as a springboard for something new and infinitely better.

Like a fire that destroys a forest, only to release dormant seeds and begin a flurry of revitalized new growth and life, the old server had to become so deplorable and unpotable that it would push people to a want better way of enjoying their favorite game.

I'm thankful for the bullies and evil, rude people who created a need for War2USA.

Because War2USA is by far the best and most fun environment for playing W2 I've seen in my life, and that's a span of nearly 20 years' experience.

I want to once again thank every player and supporter of War2USA, stream viewers, Youtube subscribers, the regular hosts, the map makers, and of course Tupac who pays for it all and had created this awesome playground for us to enjoy the freedom and fresh air of a non-toxic, harassment and injustice-free Warcraft 2 paradise! 🙂