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Warcraft II Definitely Best Game Ever Made

I'm sure there are people who think chess is the best game ever made, like the millions of people who play it regularly, but I think Warcraft 2 is more fun.

Clearly, I'm far from the only person who thinks that!

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From in 2006.

3 million copies sold and clearly one of the best RTS games ever made...with a small handful of people playing only in 2019...there could and should be hundreds at least. I believe there still can.

My vision for War2USA some years down the road, is to make a place that's welcoming and fun that will draw in new players and visitors to want to stay and play again. Warcraft 2 is an amazing game, so there's no reason why there isn't a thriving community. I believe it can absolutely be again.

Just needs a little infusion of love and minerals to help it grow into a full-fledged beast.


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