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What Easter means to me

Like most holidays that once had a beginning that actually meant something, Easter for many people just brings to mind images of colorful eggs and bunnies and chocolates.

2000 years ago, the most important tomb in the history of the universe was empty.

The tomb was empty because its deceased occupant, Jesus Christ the Son of God, was alive again.

He was witnessed by His disciples and by over 500 people who testified that JESUS WAS ALIVE after he had been dead and buried.

That historically verifiable reality tells us that what Jesus said about Himself was true, it tells us that God has the power to raise the dead, and that there is a resurrection of our bodies too. It tells us that God's plan was finished, the work Jesus came to do on earth was finished.

I remember once having a conversation with someone about Jesus and they were wondering why His life was a he preached and was nearly homeless and poor and wandered around and eventually got killed. This person thought Jesus' life had been a waste and His death the unfortunate, sad end of His failed life.

His perception was so far from the truth.

We have the king of heaven, the Creator of the world, stepping into humanity, putting aside the divine glory, to be one of us, with a plan from ancient days to save us from our sins.

All the ugly, the rotten, the evil, the hurtful, all the bad stuff we've ever done, was borne by Jesus Christ as He suffered at the hands of evil men, accuse of crimes of which He was innocent, but we were guilty. He suffered for us, He died, for me, for you, for everyone, because we were the ones that deserved God's punishment and condemnation for our selfish lives.

It's good news. It's the best news you'll ever hear, that our disgusting souls and filthy hearts stained with sin have been redeemed, rescued, bought back for God by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Anyone who believes this has eternal life.

The devil is going to have a field day with humanity for awhile. But God wins in the end. Jesus Christ didn't die because He didn't know how to avoid getting killed.

He chose it. He planned it. It was all prophecied hundreds of years before, down to many details of His life. Jesus Christ's entire mission on earth was to live perfectly, keeping the law that we can't, and to die bearing the crushing load of humanity's guilt.

Jesus is alive. That's the best reason to celebrate I ever heard of in my life.