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What happened to the previous forum

So the first forum that was installed in had a defect in the edit/delete feature so that it didn't allow users to edit or delete posts, which is a serious defect. It needed to be replaced.

We will investigate whether the content can be transferred over to this new format and do so if possible. Registered user accounts remain intact and have moved over.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

@tupac I know you're super busy and have a lot of projects...but is there any chance the content from Defective Forum can be moved over here?

Can it still be accessed? Don't tell me I have to make a brand new Featured Map write up! Frog Legs totally deserves recognition.

And the forum doesn't feel quite complete without someone from the BabySharkisUgly crowd calling us immature!  Lol.

@tupac Got any idea how to set a user so they don't need to be spam-checked but will automatically be posted instantly?

For users who sign up and we know are legit. Does it go by post count automatically?