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When Fear Takes Over

People are scared. People are hoarding. People are staying in their houses. People have cancelled everything.

If people give up their constitutionally protected freedoms now, they might be signing themselves up for a life without liberty

There are people who are seeing the measures taken by the government to restrict work, meetings, religious gatherings, sports, vacations, travel, shopping, basically everything other than being on house arrest as stepping on the constitutionally protected rights of citizens.

How long do people need to be on house arrest before they are willing to resist against the government shutting down life over a disease that doesn't seem to be nearly as deadly as the media wants us to think?

IF 80% of REPORTED cases are *mild*, what about all the people who are never even tested positive who had it and didn't even know it?

People who are 95 years old on their death bed anyway are counted as coronavirus deaths, as are people who already had deadly cancer but caught coronavirus just in time to become a statistic.

This government controlling every facet of our lives business is not cool.

Give me liberty or give me death.

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Fear and social control, useful article for today:

Fear and Social Control

For everyone who scoffed at the idea that people could be so evil, cruel, and inhuman as to allow the holocaust to happen, who think that Nazi Germany could never happen in USA or Canada, think about the methods used back then and compare them to what's happening today.