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Working on Weak W2 Areas: Goals for Coming Game Sessions

I want to identify and work on some weak areas in my Warcraft 2 gameplay.

I underuse magic.

My goal for tonight's game session is to make magic in at least half the games.

I'll post the results here on how I did.

Next goal will be increased ally awareness (usually I wait for them to communicate desire for support since I'm a newbie that has never heard of a mini map).

I think I got magic made in every game tonight except that was more than half the games so I did it!

Great turnout tonight!! I lost count of the people tonight, and we also had TWO NEW PLAYERS!! Welcome to Zakull and Balystyk!! We also saw a returning player from long ago SirClenfle!! Dumaurier has been playing after a long absence. Also saw Erikt77 who has been playing with us lately and giving some strong performances for how short a time he's been playing. Our treasured regulars also made a nice showing TOFU ring62 iz7z achilles Incos Ariph LordVaras TheGoodShepherd...and of course. myself! Cyan came to say hi but had to go. Plus some afkers who give us the comfort that they are thinking about us and Warcraft 2. =D

I believe this is the vid from that night since the Twitch vids auto delete after like 2 weeks.

I'm planning on working on other weak areas as well in the coming streams.

1. Improve ally and mini map awareness

2. Work on pstop rush

3. Use magic more (again)

4. Res management