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World Shutting Down. Warranted?

The world is closing its doors. Schools, daycares, university classes, pools, public events, travel, religious gatherings, shops, and public trials have been cancelled over fears of the coronavirus "COVID-19".

Grocery store shelves are empty.

Is the coronavirus really bad enough to warrant this reaction?

I remember hysteria over SARS some years back, as well as the swine flu. Nothing really changed in my life except I wore a face mask when visiting the hospital during SARS. Life carried on as usual in spite of the media frenzy.

According to this site, SARS was more fatal and more contagious than COVID-19.

It doesn't seem majorly different from a regular flu or cold for most people, and those who succumb to it were either very old or had pre existing health problems already. Smokers are at greater risk as well as the disease attacks the lungs.

If something like this is able to shut down the world and instill mass panic and government intervention such as forced quarantine and travel bans and bans on public gatherings and maybe even forced vaccination with a rushed, untested product that is potentially more dangerous than the actual disease, it's just rolling out the mat for losing all personal freedoms altogether.

The panic and hysteria and stocking up is more likely to impact civilization as we know it than a disease that seems to be not enormously more drastic than a common cold.

The bottom line is, the disease is far less scary than government intervention and control combined with hysterical overreaction from nonstop media coverage.

Trudeau is already pushing for death to the vulnerable with euthanasia for the elderly and abortion for children in the womb. Human life is not his concern.

This is all to take away people's freedoms and increase government control because they got people filled with fear about a disease that is implicated as far more dangerous than it actually is.